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The Marketing and AI Trends Predicted for 2025

Marketing and AI experts predict that 2025 will be a year of major change, with seismic shifts in the digital landscape driven by the increasing availability of new technologies and the growing concern about sustainability.

Tracking Advertising Via Third-Party Cookies

One of the key marketing shifts of 2025 is likely to be the way advertising is tracked via third-party cookies, with platforms taking steps to improve privacy for consumers. While third-party cookies will still be used to track interactions with a site, in the near future it’s expected that new features will be deployed to limit cross-site tracking by restricting the access these cookies have to websites by default. To this end, Google began testing its Tracking Protection feature earlier this year.

Upleveled Customer Experiences

Increasing personalisation is set to be a significant marketing trend of 2025, and one which will increasingly use AI tools for maximum efficacy. Platforms and companies are now using AR and VR to provide innovative, immersive experiences to consumers, while sophisticated targeting techniques are being deployed to deliver more relevant messages across the entire customer journey.

Enhanced Advertisement Targeting

Experienced marketers like Alex Smale know that the use of AI to improve advertisement targeting is a trend predicted to continue and evolve throughout 2025. AI tools are capable of sifting and analysing huge amounts of data quickly, enabling marketers to refine both their messaging and targeting. As well as resulting in more accurately targeted ads, it will also fuel a drive towards better quality marketing and campaigns to ensure that ads hit their desired mark.

Better Chatbots

Advances in AI are enabling chatbots to answer increasingly nuanced questions from customers. This makes it possible for them to more effectively channel customers through a site and, ultimately, through a sales funnel. Due to this, it’s highly likely that more companies will adopt advanced chatbots to answer niche questions in order to remain competitive.

Growing Use of Predictive Analytics

Recently AI has been used to expand predictive capabilities, allowing marketers to better understand the market and predict consumer behaviour. This capability is set to be increasingly used by businesses in 2025 and beyond, with advanced tools enabling companies to predict product performance in connection with selected audiences, forecast sales and more.