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Frequentely Asked Questions About Virtual Reality

What Is Virtual Reality?

The term ‘virtual reality’ refers to the intentional creation of a simulated experience that is as near to reality as possible. It generally means presenting the senses with a computer-generated virtual space that can be explored in some fashion.

When Was the Term ‘Virtual Reality’ First Coined?

The term ‘virtual reality’ was first coined by Jaron Lanier in 1987, whose engineering and research contributed several products to the newly emerging VR industry.

In Which Fields Is Virtual Reality Technology Used?

Although virtual reality (VR) was initially marketed towards gaming, it has many potential applications across multiple fields, including training, education, healthcare and exercise.

What Is Avatar-Based Virtual Reality?

Avatar-based virtual reality allows users to join a virtual environment as an avatar or real video; users can choose the nature of their participation according to system capabilities.

How Is Virtual Reality Applied in the Field of Healthcare?

VR is already being utilised within the healthcare sector. For example, its immersive nature means it can be used to simulate situations and experiences that have a direct impact on people’s health. Immersive training simulations can be provided to medical personnel, and therapists can be offered opportunities to better understand and help their patients via the technology.

How Is the Effect of Virtual Reality Achieved?

Today, virtual reality is created, in the main, through the use of computer technology. There are different systems used to achieve virtual reality, such as special gloves, headsets and omnidirectional treadmills. When a virtual reality system effectively combines software, hardware and sensory synchronicity, something called ‘a sense of presence’ is generated, meaning the subject feels as if they are genuinely inhabiting the virtual world.

What Is an Omnidirectional Treadmill?

An omnidirectional treadmill is a mechanical device employed in an immersive virtual environment that allows the user to walk (or run) in any direction, facilitating 360 degree movement.

Does Virtual Reality Have Any Limitations?

At present, VR tech has some drawbacks and limitations, despite being a very powerful tool. These include its accessibility to the general public, technological limits on what VR can currently do and the side effects of using VR devices.

What Is Mixed Reality?

Mixed reality (MR) is the merging of virtual worlds with the real world to produce new visualisations and environments where digital and physical objects co-exist and interact with each other in real time.

Has the Metaverse Affected the Popularity of Virtual Reality?

Growing interest in the metaverse in recent years has driven organisational efforts to incorporate VR tech into a variety of ecosystems, possibly in a bid to enhance connectivity between platforms.